Village Capital


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It’s an exciting time for startups and innovation in Europe. Venture capitalists invested $46 billion in Europe in 2020, part of a growing coalition for business models that are both profitable and good for society. Village Capital has been working in Europe since 2016, running accelerator programs and forums in Warsaw, Berlin, Luxemburg, Kiev and Dublin.

Europe Continent Map

Meet Our Founders

Dr. Monika Hauck began her career in the fashion industry and saw firsthand how it can be wasteful. She founded Repair Rebels, an online platform for shoe and textile repairs and alterations. From datatech to greentech – the VilCap Europe team has built out our practice, amplifying and supporting diverse founders.

Interested in taking part in Greentech Europe 2023? Apply now.

Get Connected

Want to join our VilCap Europe network? Stay in the loop with us on social media and in your inbox with email updates for the latest opportunities, including new accelerator programs. You can also join our mentor community for the chance to work with our startup founders!

Partners we've worked with

Meet our Experts

Below, meet a few of the investors, entrepreneurs, and experts who have served as advisory board members and mentors – helping our cohort founders level up.

Kimberley Abbott

Kimberley Abbott

Founder & CEO, Vested

Nicola Breyer

Nicola Breyer

Chief Commercial Officer, OptioPay

Marta Krupinska

Marta Krupinska

Head, Google Startups UK

Sana Kapadia

Sana Kapadia

Head of Content, GenderSmart Investing

Rachel Kiddell-Munroe

Rachel Kiddell-Monroe

Founder & Executive Director, SeeChange Initiative

Adam LG Ring

Adam LG Ring

Data Security Serial Entrepreneur

Vera Futorjanski

Vera Futorjanski

CEO & Founder, Veritas Ventures

Alan Greenberg

Alan Greenberg

Venture Partner, EDT Partners

Latest News

Apply to Greentech Europe 2023

Greentech Europe 2023 is an accelerator for women-led startups in Europe working on sustainability products. The program will provide the selected startups with timely training, expert advice, network support, and potential funding to allow them to thrive – and in turn help close the gender financing and resource gap in the region. Founders, apply now!

Financial Inclusion Helps Refugees Move From Aid Recipients To Earners, And Tax-Payers

The world’s 25 million refugees, about the population of Australia, can be viewed as a huge problem, a great marketing opportunity, or a wasted resource. See the UN for a breakdown of the states and refugee populations.

Let Founders Choose Which Startups Get Funded — Not VCs

Imagine if those closest to the social problems that are being tackled could make funding decisions?

Support Our Work

Be a part of our system-changing work: As a nonprofit, and our donors help us support entrepreneurs and reinvent the system. Learn how you can support us.